Category Archives: Quizzes / Memes

At least it’s being honest with me…

I asked the Magic Ball “Tap the Magic Ball when you’re done asking your question.” and it responded “Very doubtful”.

What Diablo Demon Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Duriel
Headstrong in both spirit and physical form, like the Taurus of the zodiac, Duriel is the king of the Realm of Pain in Hell. He’s the twin of Andariel, and perhaps it was family loyalty that brought him to her side, and the Bull loves their family ties.

A believer in tradition and protocol, yet another Tauren trait, Duriel aided his superior Diablo when he freed the other demons from their captivity in the Worldstone as part of the plot in Diablo 2.

What Diablo Demon Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign? (


Planted another tree…


I grew a tree…


Didn’t think I would have to bring this back, but here we are…


You’re… Taylor Swift!


You’re deep, emotional, and love to let out all your emotions to create art. You love experimenting… with all aspects of life, including music taste, aesthetics, and more.

You know how to persuade people with words and make people feel things, whether it be love, sadness, happiness, or anger.

Sometimes you can be aloof and dorky, but it’s all a part of your sweet charm. But you’re not always sweet. You definitely know how to bite.

Haven’t done one of these in awhile

Bucket (Done) List. Put a 👍🏾 if you have done it. Let’s have a little fun!
Been married
Been divorced
Fell in love 👍🏾
Skipped school 👍🏾
Watched someone give birth
Watched someone die
Been to Canada
Ridden in an ambulance 👍🏾
Been to Hawaii
Been to Europe
Been to Las Vegas👍🏾
Been to Washington D.C 👍🏾
Been to Texas
Visited Florida
Visited Mexico
Seen the Grand Canyon in person
Flown in a helicopter
Been on a cruise 👍🏾
Served on a jury
Danced in the rain 👍🏾
Been to California 👍🏾
Been to New York 👍🏾
Played in band/orchestra in School 👍🏾
Sang in the school choir
Sang karaoke👍🏾
Laughed so much you cried 👍🏾
Laughed so hard you peed 👍🏾
Caught a snowflake on your tongue 👍🏾
Had children/adopted one/one on the way
Had a pet(s) 👍🏾
Been sledding on a big hill
Been downhill skiing
Been water skiing
Rode on a motorcycle 👍🏾
Traveled to all 50 states
Jumped out of a plane
Been to a drive-in movie 👍🏾
Rode an elephant
Rode a Horse 👍🏾
Been on TV 👍🏾
Been in the newspaper 👍🏾
Been on the radio 👍🏾
Stayed in the hospital alone 👍🏾
Donated blood
Gotten a piercing
Gotten a tattoo
Driven a stick shift vehicle 👍🏾
Been scuba diving
Been snorkeling
Lived on your own 👍🏾
Rode in the back of a police car
Got a speeding ticket 👍🏾
Broken a bone
Gotten stitches 👍🏾
Traveled alone 👍🏾

What the Signs like in bed.

How likely are you to SNAP and KILL someone?

Am I that wound up?

Difficult Person Test


You are an easy person to get along with (22.14%).



Explanation of Facets:

Callousness is characterized by lacking empathy or concern for others. People high in callousness typically have deficits in genuine social sentiments and are often experienced by others as coarsely uncivil. In other words, they often make people feel uncomfortable.

Grandiosity can be described as having a grandiose sense of self-importance and the thought that one is better than others. People high in grandiosity often tout their abilities and their accomplishments while downplaying the contributions of others. They tend to put themselves on a pedestal and have a sense of entitlement about them.

Aggressiveness is the tendency to behave rudely and with hostility toward others. Aggressiveness may be doubly hurtful to others if combined with callousness, since the aggressive person may thus be both intimidating and unfeeling in their demeanor.

Suspicion is the tendency to harbor a strong and unreasoning distrust of others. Suspicious people often question the motives of even those who act loyally and devotedly toward them. Such people are often reluctant to open up to others and may interpret kind-hearted gestures as attempts to deceive them.

Manipulativeness is the inclination to exploit others to derive benefits for oneself. Manipulative people take other people for granted and use them to realize their own wishes and goals, thinking little of interpersonal reciprocity or the rights of others. Such people often exhaust and frustrate those around them, since they give little in return for the services and favors they extract from others.

Dominance is the tendency to put on airs of superiority and talk down to others. Domineering individuals have a strong desire to be seen as leaders and often react with combativeness when they cannot get what they want. They frustrate others by meddling in their affairs and with their attempts to control the decisions of those around them.

Risk-taking is the propensity to engage in risky behavior for the sake of experiencing thrills. People high in this trait impulsively seek sensations to overcome boredom, and often get pleasure from shocking others with their adventures and stunts. Risk-takers often make those around them ill at ease since their actions may have consequences for others as well as themselves.




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  • Samton, J. (2020). The four most difficult personalities and how to handle them. Inc.
  • Schoenleber, Michelle & Roche, Michael & Wetzel, Eunike & Pincus, Aaron & Roberts, Brent. (2015). Brief-Pathological Narcissism Inventory (B-PNI).
  • Sleep, C. E., Crowe, M. L., Carter, N. T., Lynam, D. R., & Miller, J. D. (2020, October 15). Uncovering the structure of antagonism. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Advance online publication.