Category Archives: Friday Five

Friday Five for September 12, 2003

1. Is the name you have now the same name that’s on your birth certificate? If not, what’s changed? I assume that this is the same name that is on my birth certificate (for the record, my name is Joseph L. Rogers). I was adopted has a young child and never knew my real parents. I guess the curious thing is with my nickname, which I won’t even post here. I kinda think that it might be my “real” name. However it is not that big of a deal, since my parents are the only ones who call me by that name.

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be? I don’t know what I would change my name too. I remember has a child, that my name sometimes
irked me, esp. when it was “Sloppy Joe” day at school, or if someone stayed home sick and watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I also remember a week period where I tried to get my friends to call me J.R. That did not last long at all.

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?) I assume that I was named after my dad and his dad (They were both Joseph Rogers’ too). Not sure if my dad is a Jr. or not though. I don’t think so. Just the middle names are different.

4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why? At one point, I wanted to have a daughter and name her Vanessa. I know that there are names that irk or bother me, however I can’t think of them right now. Wait…Kiefer. What kind of name is Kiefer?

5. Is the analysis of your name at accurate? How or how isn’t it? I guess the
is somewhat accurate, however when I punch in my “nickname“, that one is kinda scary accurate.

[Listening to: If Your Girl Only Knew – Aaliyah – One in a Million (04:51)]

Friday 5 for September 5, 2003

1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most?
Hmm…This is a weird question for me, because my mom corrupted me into enjoying doing chores. And also, Barbara has someone come over every week to clean, so there isn’t much for me to clean, just my room. Right now….honestly, I don’t think there is a chores….wait I hate washing dishes right now. Barbara is one of those people that washes her dishes as soon as you are done with it, so no dishes piling up in the sink. Now I don’t mind dishes in the sink, as long as they are washed sometime that day. The problem I had with Mike, my old roommate, is that he would take days to wash dishes. This made things tough since we had a small sink and he had 5x the amount of dishes I had. The thing that sucks about dish washing here is that I can’t have breakfast and then goto work, because I do not get up early enough to clean up after myself after fixing breakfast. There just isn’t any time. I had this same situation at another house with Justin, so I’m used to it. I guess I would rather have this situation than the one with Mike

2. Are there any that you like or don’t mind doing? Like I said before I don’t mind doing the chores. If Barbara really wanted me too, I would probably clean the litter box. Mind you, I’m not going to
volunteer for the job, but if something happened and she asked, I would do it.

3. Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it’s needed? More of a clean as needed going on right now. When I was with Mike, we had a 2 week alternating schedule between downstairs and upstairs/bathroom. I would usually clean my room once a week, because of the size of it (I had an 18×12 Master bedroom at the time). Now because I have a smaller room, there isn’t much space to clean. I think that I am on a 3-4 week schedule right now.

4. Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules? I like cleaning, which I blame my mom for. In high school, if I didn’t want to goto school, my mom would let me stay home, just as long as I cleaned the house. So I did. I really like cleaning bathrooms, for some reason. It’s very
Zen to me, and it relaxes my mind and I am able to think alot clearer about things.

5. What was the last thing you cleaned? I cleaned my room last night. I
vacuumed the floor, did some laundry, and dusted my furniture. Also ended up rotating my bed, so that I have larger floor space in my room. Now I have room for DDR when I finally get the PS2 hooked up.

Friday Five for August 29, 2003

1. Are you going to school this year?
I do not think that I am going to school this year. I might take a night class at one of the community colleges later in the semester, but most likely I won’t sign up until next year.

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate? I graduated from San Francisco State University last year (gawd, it has only been a year…) with a Bachelor’s Degree In History.

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects? History and Asian Studies were my favorite classes.

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects? Math and Science were my least favorite classes with the exception of Mathematical Ideas. That had to be the greatest math class I have ever taken.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite? I guess that would have to be Professor Tygel or Professor Hsu. They were my advisors and helped me out alot. They also put up with me, and for that I am eternally grateful.

[Listening to: Never Is a Promise – Fiona Apple – Tidal (05:55)

Friday Five for August 22, 2003

1. When was the last time you laughed?
While I have had a few chuckles, I think the last good laugh that I had was while watching Coupling on BBC America while at my parent’s house. It was just a really good and funny episode.

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
Think that would have to be with my mom, again on vacation. We got into an argument over my brother.

3. Who was the last person you emailed? Checking the records, that would have to be Amy, who I emailed some web links to a topic of conversation that we had at Baker’s Square.

4. When was the last time you bathed? About 2.5 hours ago. Took a 5 min shower. Last time I took a bath that I recall was New Year’s Eve after getting back from my horrific Greyhound trip. However, I’m sure I have taken a bath sometime since then.

5. What was the last thing you ate? Snicker Ice Cream; had a couple of spoonfuls of ice cream. Good ice cream, however somewhat sweet.

[Listening to: Why Do I Feel So Sad – Alicia Keys – Songs in A Minor (04:26)]

Friday Five For August 8th, 2003

1. What’s the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country? The last out of state trip that I had was the trip up to my parent’s house for Xmas and back via Greyhound. The story of that bus ride of hell can be read here.

2. What’s the most bizarre/unusual thing that’s ever happened to you while
I would have to say that being at a Red Cross Shelter/Fair Grounds at 5am in the morning with some of the lowest common denominators of the human race was unusual.

3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go? Hmm…I would say Australia, but isn’t it Winter down there right now? I think I would like to goto some tropical island in the Pacific and just relax and forget about almost everything. There are some things that the mind and the heart will never release.

4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car? I don’t have a
preference. Right now the only time I go out of state is usually to go and see my family in Washington, so I fly Southwest. Southwest is cheap and I feel like a sheep when I get loaded up into one, but the 1.5 hour trip is just long enough that I in an o.k. condition when I land. Any more time in their cramp seats and then I think that I would be in a mood.

I don’t mind car trips either, just as long as there is some scenery to look at. Like the drive on Hwy 5 from S.F. to L.A. is brutal because it is just long and flat. I’d much rather drive up Hwy 5 to Oregon, which has different
sceneries to look at

Never ridden a train to a location, but am seriously thinking about it when I go see the family for Xmas. The only thing is that it could the same amount as a plane ticket and takes about as long has Greyhound takes.

5. What’s the next place on your list to visit? Going to
Washington state to see my parents next week.

[Listening to: Don’t Rush Me – Taylor Dayne – Greatest Hits (03:49)]

Friday Five For July 31, 2003

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings? I’m awake around 7:30-8AM but don’t get out of bed until 8:30AM

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? I try to sleep in; if I’m lucky I never get out of bed. However, something usually comes up and I am out of bed around 10AM.

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning? Turn on my computer. I am such an internet addict.

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day? Usually, 5-10min. Just wash up and brush my teeth, put on some clothes and leave the house. Sometimes I’ll fix myself something to eat, which is another 5 min. Now, if I have a manager’s meeting in the morning, then it takes longer because I have to shower and dress up a bit. And then if I have the afro going on (like I do now) and have to comb it out, then that is another 30mins.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast? Hmmm. I guess for right now, it would be Bayside Cafe off of 3rd Street. I remember the first time going to this place, which was on New Years Day after going to the Planet New Year Rave that night/day. I went with Mew and her friend and the headliner was The KLF. Years later, I started going to this place for breakfast and sometimes lunch. The food is pretty good and the price is right. The one unique thing is that they have RC cola on tap, which I have never seen anywhere else.

[Listening to: Beautiful Stranger [William Orbit Radio Edit] – Madonna – GHV2 (03:58)]

Friday Five for July 25th, 2003

1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? Hmm. don’t have a good title for it yet. Eye of the Tygre? A Tygre’s Life?
Tygreyes: The Movie? How about Arrogant Bastard: A Sci-Fi Fantasy Action Dramedy Documentary. I will def. have to work on a title.

2. What songs would be on the soundtrack? Well, I have already thought a bit about this one. For the original score to the movie, I think that I would have Amber P. do it, with Brooke F. or Vince S. as backups. As for the soundtrack, I want something that spans all genre
from rock to r&b to country to techno. Would definitely have to have tracks from BT, Missy Elliot & Timbaland, and Yoko Kanno in it.

3. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why? I think that I would want it with both, have it live action, but have certain scenes animated, like a dream scene or something. And
maybe some of the love scenes could be animated. Def. no Hentai/Tentacle stuff though.

4. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc? Well, Morgan Freeman would have to play my dad. I have no idea who could play my mom; we would have to fly a star over from Korea to play her, I think. Not sure who would play my brother either? As for my friends, I will let them choose who they would want to play them. I, of course, would have to play myself and do my own stunts.

5. Describe the movie preview/trailer. Announcer: This is the story (flyover of Pacifica)….Of a normal person (headshot of me driving)….stuck in the body of a not so normal person (shot me doing my bunny dance)….surrounded by unique people (shots of friends and family)….trapped in a extraordinary world.

Me: “Hi my name is mumble, mumble…”
(different people): “Jim?”, “Jun?”, “Jeff?”? , “Jake?”, “James?” “Jerold?” “Zeke?”
Me (With Confused look on face): “I said my name is Joe.”

Announcer: On (opening date), prepare to enter the live of a normal, extraordinary person…

(Me making the sign of the cross on myself)
Friend: I didn’t know you were Catholic?
Me: I’m not, but I’m going to need all the help I can get.

Fade to credits…

Still need to work on it….

[Listening to: Not Enough Time [Barcelona LP Fade] – INXS – Shine Like It Does: The Anthology (1979-1997) Disc 2 (04:21)]

Friday Five for July 18th, 2003

1. When was the last time you cheated? Hmmm. That would have to be a couple of weeks ago when I went to GameFAQs to find a walkthrough for a level in Dark Forces II:Jedi Knight. I know, I feel so ashamed.

2. When was the last time you stole? Not necessarily stole, but I did borrow a pen from someone at the store and it never got back to them. I’m famous for that.

3. When was the last time you lied? Thursday night at the Giants game when I told Amber that I was getting something to drink with Peter. Ended up leaving the game in the 8th inning.

4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another’s property? No idea.

5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one? Sometimes, I feel that I hurt them every day with just my existence.

[Listening to: Simon Sister – Dance House Children – Jesus (03:35)]

Friday Five for July 11th, 2003

1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it? His name was Derrick, I think. I’m sure if I called my Aunt Jackie, she would know his name. Anyway, I vaguely remember playing with him with our Star Wars toys. There is also a vague memory of a dare to touch the chicken pox tree and then getting chicken pox a few days later.

2. Are you still in touch with this person? No, I haven’t seen him for over 20 years. Like I said before, I would have to call my Aunt Jackie to find out where he is.

3. Do you have a current close friend? To me, a close friend would be a girlfriend. And I do not
currently have a girl friend.

4. How did you become friends with this person? With my last close friend, I met her at work, gave her the Cosmo quiz at work, one thing led to another.

5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why? There are a couple of people that I wish that I could reconnect with. Jesse Holm; he was a very good friend of mine in high school in Vacaville. Last I heard, he was back in the Bay Area, but I am half the mind to hug him and half the mind to punch him. The same with Matt Elliot (or is it Kelly, can’t remember which last name he took. I think it was Kelly.) Anyway, the same as Jesse, I want to give him a big hug and catch up and at the same time I want to beat the living shit out of him. The other one would be Danny Flack a.k.a. ‘turtle’. I lost touch with him when I moved back to the U.S. from Korea. I’ve always regretted it. Granted, I could probably find these people on Classmates or something, but I don’t want to cough up the money for a Classmates subscription.

[Listening to: Killer/Papa Was a Rolling Stone – George Michael – Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael Disc 2 (04:16)]

Friday Five for June 27th, 2003

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]? Tentative plans include

      going to Tracy to visit Dan and his family for 4th of July (Need to email Dan to make sure he is going to be home)

      going to Vacaville/Sacramento/Lake Berryessa July 12th with the married couples (Lesa/Kurt; Barry/Gabi) and the singletons (Kathy, Amber, Amanda, Mia, and myself)

      going to the Giants game on July 17th with the bookstore

      going to Six Flags/Marine World with the warehouse crew on July 18th

      going to Washington to see my family on the last week of July

      going camping with Amy and friends in August

      going to see Norah Jones in August if I can get tickets

      going to the Ren Faire in Sept.

2. What was your first summer job? My first summer job was working in a general’s office in Korea. Ran errands and light clerical work.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go? Las Vegas. That seems to be the destination that everybody is going to.

4. What was your worst vacation ever? Camping trip with Shawn, Marie, and Raj comes to mind. It wasn’t the worse trip, but it was cold, the campground sucked, I had to sleep with Shawn, who snores like a bear, and a bear wandered through the campgrounds at night.

Actually the worse trip was a weekend that I spent in Roseville (I think) with Suzanne visiting her former friend. It was there that confirmed God’s lack of love for me,

5. What was your best vacation ever? A weekend trip to Napa come to mind. Just thinking about that trip puts a smile in my face.

[Listening to: If You Love Somebody Set Them Free – Sting – The Very Best of Sting & the Police [1997] (04:16)]