Another year of searching for meaning and self discovery and another year of failing. Not seeing the answer that are right in front of me. Living …staying alive just to stay alive. Unable/unwilling to move forwards or backwards on any of the axis of my life. Reminiscing about a past I don’t remember, doomsaying a future that hasn’t happened yet,
I did ask for this in a memory that I may or may not remember correctly. I wanted time to stop; I wanted to stay in the one perfect moment on the timeline. And maybe I did get my wish, just not the way I envisioned it. Stuck in a moment while time and space fast forwards around me. At least Goku & Vegeta spent their time training and strengthening themselves. While I just sat on the couch and watched the drama/sit-com/documentary/anime/sports/variety show that is life as a secondary/background character.