Sunday morning inception

Dragged myself out of bed two hours later and made it to Black Bear Diner for breakfast. Should go grocery shopping afterwards, but not feeling it. Might just go back home. Or maybe get my car washed. Yeah, probably just go back home.

Couple of articles popped up about having a purpose in life, which would be nice to have. But the cynic in me wonders if that would just be another distraction from me exploring/dealing with the “real” problems of my life. Or is that distracting me from the distraction? I could use an “inception” to plant a suggestion in my head to fix things. If only I could have someone sneak into my subconscious and fix my brain. I guess there is always hypnotherapy.

Stepped back from planning to go away for the shutdown; at least out of state. Why travel 10-14 hours to stay at a cabin/tiny house in the woods when I can isolate at home. Thinking I might go somewhere more local; maybe somewhere on the coast. Harbin Hot Springs? Spa in Napa/Calistoga?

What else? **sigh** really nothing else. Should look into Giants tickets like I told Barry. Toying with going to a hockey game; either with the guys or by myself.

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