Words of wisdom to go into the new year.
So the journal entry that I wrote at IHOP got dark pretty quick. 2022 wasn’t a total dumpster fire that I made it out to be. Most importantly, I am finally living by myself without any roommates or family. And I did it for an entire year. Try not to think about the negatives of being alone, but it’s an achievement almost 30 years in the making, so I should feel some accomplishment. Going out to the East Coast was another achievement. Seeing the fam, going to a WaWa, and visiting dad was def a great experience. Float therapy has also been a positive experience. It hasn’t been the conscious experience that I was hoping for yet, but it has been something to look forward too and I think the mind clarity that I’m looking for is just around the corner.
My mind is trying to tell me that it’s so little compared to all the pain, suffering, and disappointment I’ve had this year. But I’m trying to tell myself that I have to accept the good and that it wasn’t all bad.
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I smelled and tasted you so vividly, it was like you were in bed laying next to me. I didn’t want to open my eyes, but I wanted it to be real.
I hope you are doing well and I miss you. Maybe I’ll catch your scent in my dreams once again…
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Your work life has been rocky, perhaps even catastrophic. While there are many external events that we could point to as the culprit for this, we know that this was really because you are changing. Things simply could not have kept going the way they were because you had outgrown them, as much as you might have liked to maintain the status quo. Considering you enjoy a steady ride, having the boat rock so much has had you gripping the sides and clinging to what you know best. Uranus continues to ask you to bravely peer over your white knuckles, dear Taurus, towards brand-new horizons. Pluto will join at the helm in March this year, kicking off a process of in-depth evaluation. Underneath all of it will be this question: where are you going? If the past few years have done anything, they have loosened up the sails that were getting pulled quite tight. You are freer to catch the breeze. You are in the perfect position to change course if you need to.
In April, the solar eclipse may force the issue, as Pluto sits in a challenging aspect to the Sun and Moon. Events may set off an internal struggle that demands you look at your direction in life. It’s ok if you don’t know everything right now. This process of transformation can take a while. Your network may become smaller through this time, but never fear, it will be stronger, built on common goals and ideals.
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