Monthly Archives: February 2017

Shoot me now or later

Going from sexting with the FWB and cock shots in the ferry bathroom to dog poop, soiled sweats and laundry, and dishes in the dish washer.  Pretty much me trying to escape my life for a little while before being violently sucked back in.

The Book Of Questions – Question #46

When did you last sing to yourself?  To someone else? Continue reading

The Book Of Questions – Question #159

If you had the choice of one intimate soul mate and no other close friends, or no such soul mate and many friends, and acquaintances, which would you choose? Continue reading

Potlatch State Park

Drove around the Hood Canal today.  Wish I had the courage to stop and explore/take more pictures of the stuff that I saw.  Maybe next time…

potlach state park (3)potlach state park (1)potlach state park (5)


I’m always glad when I can overcome my depression and talk to my friends on the phone.

More Online Posts

Decided to retire the Book of Serraph as a journal.  The spiral binding is starting to come apart.  And honestly, I’m sure it’s some kind of metaphor that I should let go of the past or something.  Will probably order a new Warcraft one; but should I get it from the bookstore or not.  GB is faster than the other departments, but I am really disillusioned with the bookstore, I think.  With Megan leaving departments, I should be all on applying for her job.  But really, it just makes me want to look harder at leaving the store.  I really don’t have faith in Rachel/Brian saving the department.  Honestly clothing and computers are sexier than notebooks and art supplies,  **sigh** I’ll have to make some time to go through the work links and work on my resume some more.

Shoulder is still acting up, although not as bad.  Need to get some ibuprofen before going to see Kevin for therapy.  What else?  Room remodel seems to be successful.  Digital frames seem to be an expensive failure, although I should still be able to use the large one.  Need to figure out how to hang the swords up though.  Still have dry balls due to the lithium  Forgot to talk to the doctor about that this morning.  But the extreme lotioning seems to be helping.

Trying to figure out why there are so few blog entries for 2011.  I only have 10 pictures in my files.  Even Facebook entries are sparse.  What happened that year?  Was I using Blurty?  Is this the casualty of a hard drive failure or me “restarting” and deleting the past?  Do I research more or move on to 2012?  Were the picture dates changed?

Post from the plastic keyboard

No written journal today at Café Allegro.  Left it at the car along with the pen/marker case and the coloring books.  And the regular books.  Trying to lighten my load a bit today due to the pain that I’m carrying in my right shoulder, my mind, and my heart.  It’s actually helping, believe it or not; even though I carry my bag on the left shoulder.  Hoping/praying that Michelle can massage most of the pain away.  From my body anyway; not sure if there is a way to heal the pain in my mind and heart. It’s only been two years here and I’m already tired of battling the thoughts in my head.  How am I suppose to last for years like this?  Love supposedly trumps hate, but if there is no love, does that mean hate wins?  Maybe it’s time to prozac myself and just numb everything.

This is so funny! Check out Twitcher yourself on Futurama: Game of Drones! #GameOfDrones