Monthly Archives: October 2015


New Journal, New Beginnings, Etc, Etc…


Written Journal Entry

Testing Microsoft Office Lens

Written Entry (1)


Rainy day

*sigh*. Wish I had the day off just so I could find a cafe with some good coffee and just waste the day away people watching, a little coloring, and some writing in a journal. 

Reset button

I feel like it’s time to hit the reset button on my life. But I also feel like I do this all the time and I never truly reset or it never really works. I wish I could find a mantra or a lifestyle or belief that would work for me and improve my life.  Prozac isn’t the answer, but I wonder if it’s the way to go to at least get myself back to a moldable lump of clay to once again try to make some kind of vase out of myself…preferably one that is a little more slender. 

Fuzzy Caterpillar At Howe Dog Park

Fuzzy Catepillar (2)Fuzzy Catepillar

Check out this bubble!


I need help

The drugs can only do so much. Therapy can only do so much. If you see this and have the time, can you call, email, or text me. I will try to answer but I just need a little sign of some kind to help me out.