Daily Archives: July 30, 2015


Even more testing

trying out the wordpress app on my phone  


When it’s just too early to figure out how to parallel park the car.

30 July, 2015 00:43


Totally full ferry and no one wants to sit across from me. Must be the Beats headphones I’m wearing.

Totally full ferry and no one wants to sit across from me. Must be the Beats headphones I'm wearing.

A photo posted by horangee (@horangee) on

Slo-mo of one of the fountains at the ferry terminal.

Slo-mo of one of the fountains at the ferry terminal.

A video posted by horangee (@horangee) on

Hyperlapse of Bainbridge ferry unloading.

Hyperlapse of Bainbridge ferry unloading.

A video posted by horangee (@horangee) on

More tests

Check out this bubble!


I got “You’re the Scorpion Bowl.” on “What Kind of Tiki Cocktail Are You?” What about you?

Some might call you a showboat. Flashy and fiery with an explosive sense of humor, you’re usually the center of attention. And like your namesake cocktail, there’s no one else quite like you in the room. Giant servings of flaming booze are rather unforgettable, after all.
