Daily Archives: July 31, 2014


The memory box. I think that I’ll wait for a rainy, sleepy Washington day to go down this path.


Taking a break from scanning and shelving books. Got some books that I need to upgrade to hardback (Harry Potter) and some that I’m going to downgrade to paperbacks (random Forgotten Realms titles). Not sure what to do with my … Continue reading


The book that started my Dragonlance collection. Slowly putting my books on the bookcases. Do I organize them by publish date, in series order, or chronological order according to the storyline. **sigh** book geek problems. 😛 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1082252


Beading while at Mom’s doctor appointment.


I know that I am sleep posting on Facebook because the dog woke me up barking at something, but I can’t stop myself. I think I need help…or I could just go back to sleep.


More of a dust devil I would think. http://quizane.com/what-kind-of-storm-are-you-14/quiz-2n.html

Colby 3am Wake Up Post