God, can’t believe it took me 3.5 years for me to finish this. Shows how much my depression has attacked my life and self-worth.
- I was 18-19 before I learned to swallow pills. Before I would have to crush them and mix it with something to take them.
- Not all the time, but more than occasionally, I search the Missed Connections on Facebook to see if anyone is looking for me (Nobody so far…)
- Even though I really don’t find Ben Stiller all that funny, Zoolander is the greatest comedy ever made and it will always cheer me up.
- For someone who loves technology, I don’t really use it as much has you think I would. I have a few downloaded media items (movies/music/books). I still like having a physical copy in my hands.
- I am weird when it comes to peanut butter and chocolate. I hate Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I like Reese’s Pieces though. I hate Chocolate & Peanut Butter ice cream. But a Chocolate Peanut Butter cookie is acceptable; not great, but I wouldn’t refuse it either. Butterfingers are disgusting.
- I hate hearing my voice in recordings. It’s one of the main reasons why I rarely call people on the phone and rather text/message/email/write someone.
- Since I graduated high school, there has only been six months that I haven’t worked for a college bookstore so 25+ years.
- I actually consider myself bisexual, but plan on marrying straight.
- Used to be a nail biter. Eventually forced myself to quit, but I still attack my cuticle like a rabid wolf sometimes.
- I know how to cook and at one point in my life, I wanted to be a chef. However, due to a passive aggressive roommate, I stopped cooking completely and even years later, I rarely cook at home.