Monthly Archives: May 2010


Shellshocked…and not the Ninja Turtle kind


Monterey aquarium. Probably better to go on a weekday instead of a weekend. Also a big lack of turtles. Still a pretty cool time. I want an aquarium of sea dragons.


Another beautiful day in The Bay

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey aquarium. Probably better to go on a weekday instead of a weekend. Also a big lack of turtles. Still a pretty cool time. I want an aquarium of sea dragons.

Monterey Aquarium


Wondering if getting a milkshake at mitchell’s ice cream shop would ruin all the work Isis in yoga?


At mission yoga. Stupid parking switched from hourly to flat rate

Day three of laundry

Worried about the washer that has my undies on it. It’s not as sudsy as the other two. You think after three days of comming to the laundrymat, I would know which washers to put my clothes in


I love it when people drive the wrong way in the parking lot at the mall almost crashing into me and then give ME a look like I did something wrong


Sorry yoga, but today I want waffles. I deserve waffles. Yoga will just have to wait until next week.

I love being alone in a room full of people…