A horrific mistake has been made…

So let me start out by saying that I’m not an alcoholic, but I LOVE going to Bevmo.  LUV BEVMO.  So I have had a Bevmo card since forever, and I use it every time I purchased alcohol.  Every $250 you spend, you get a 5% discount on the next purchase.  Not much, but a discount is a discount.  For the last few years, I have been buying alcohol for the company’s Xmas parties at Bevmo and using my card to rack up points to get my discount.  But no matter how many time I bought stuff, I never receive my discount.  So the last time I was in the store, I asked about it and they told me that it gets emailed to me.  So finally, I get around to going to their website to log in to see what email it is going to.  Find out it is going to jtygre@juno.com

I haven’t had a Juno account since the mid-late 90’s.

All those discounts down the drain…


On the bright side, I’m only $100 away to my next discount.

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