Monthly Archives: September 2003

.The California Circus….I Mean Recall

[Listening to: My Turn – Reba McEntire – The Best of Reba McEntire [1994] (03:19)]
I have less than two weeks to decide on what my vote is going to be in the
upcoming election.

Either Chris Rock or Dave Chapelle has a joke about how we rather talk about anything else over our political views.

“So Peter, what do you think about this election?”

“Joe, Please. Now has I was saying, I was fucking my wife in the ass…”

Anyway, my brief views on the upcoming election

At this point, my decision is going to based on “the lesser of 169 evils” theory. I cannot go through all of the
candidates to see what their position is on things. I mean the media is just focusing on the
candidates that they know that can get ratings. But how do I know that Gary Coleman doesn’t have good ideas; for I know, he might have a sensible plan to get California out of it’s budget crisis (O.K. for the record, he is not campaigning and is voting for Arnold.)

None of the major 5 candidates impress me enough for me to elect them. Arnold is a joke; I have heard too many
inconsistencies and media bites from him, not enough substance from him at all. I think it really hurt him (in my eyes) when he only did the one debate and not any of the other ones. Arriana Hufington should be running for president with all of her attacks against Bush. Not that they are wrong or unjustified, however, this race is for
governor and I think that she should be more focused on that. I have to remember to check out some of her books the next time I goto the library though, cause I am interested in what she has to say in them. Tom McClintok is a Republican who I agree with some of the things he has said, but I tend to disagree more. Bustamonte has turned me off, mainly because of his TV ads. I mean he sounded good in the debates that I saw him in. Yet, there is something about him that makes me uneasy. The person that has impressed me the most out of this is Peter Camejo. He seems very articulate and passionate. I agree with most of his policy. However, I am not sure that he is “electable”. Yes, I know that is bad, but that’s what I feel right now. Going to goto his website later to read more about him.

So if I’m not going to vote for any of these people, then I’m going to vote no on the recall, right? Well originally, that was the plan. I mean this whole recall mess was a joke started by a
Republican to kick out an fairly elected Democrat governor. The Republicans had a
candidate to run for governor and that candidate loss. To issue a recall to get rid of someone like this is despicable. Just for the record, I am not Gray Davis’ biggest fan; he is def. the poster boy of a politician. However, he was elected by the people. The problem I have with Davis is with the recent bills that he has signed into law in an effort to get vote,
esp. the one that gives illegal immigrants the right to get driver licenses. He was against it and then he changes his mind and signs it into law? Can we saw “Buying the
Latino vote?” And then, lets sign a bill that give domestic partners the same rights as married couples. I’m not against the bill, but the timing is questionable.

So my problem is that while I don’t believe that the recall is right, I am against keeping the
governor in office. So what to do? I am tempted to vote for the Sumo Wrestler just because. I am horny and man enough to admit that if Larry Flint promised free subscriptions to Penthouse to the citizens of CA, I would probably vote for him. And although I don’t like Arnold for
governor, if he did a Terminator commercial I would vote for him in an instant. It wouldn’t even have to be full on Terminator. Just have that one commercial where he is in his office talking and at the end have his eyes glow red for a sec. That would so clinch my vote. For that matter, I wonder why Clint Eastwood didn’t run. One Dirty Harry reference and he would have had my vote. I mean at least he was a mayor at one time.


[Listening to: Round & Round [’94] – New Order – The Best of New Order (04:00)]
I am a guy (man, male, etc.)

A percentage of my thoughts regarding women come from my penis.

I think that percentage is a bit lower that other guys.

I am somewhat of a romantic; I like being in love, the chase of love, and the love of others.

I still think with my penis at times.

However, I am smart enough not to schedule sex with someone I just met.

“Yeah, I have to go and vote. But I think that I can squeeze you in between that and Law & Order:SVU”

I probably over analyze things in my mind too much too.

I’m not perfect.

At least I have a nice ass and somewhat good looks going for me.

.continued drain

[Listening to: Baby Baby – Amy Grant – Heart in Motion (03:57)]
It has taken me almost an hour to fully wake up from the nap that I took. And I’m not really awake, just coherent enough to type. There was that one spurt where I got the last post in, but that’s it. I think it is the weather that is bringing me down and is sapping my energy (Well, I’ll blame it on the weather.) It has been cloudy and overcast the last couple of days. And I’m sure part of it can be blamed on the slight cold that I caught from various people. Thinking about calling in sick tomorrow because I really don’t want to go through the day faking all the energy that I don’t have. Have been doing it for a week now and it sucks.

Well, I think that I have enough energy stored to goto the kitchen and fix myself some cereal. I actually want oatmeal, but the French Toast Oatmeal that I got isn’t that good. I guess I was expecting more than it delivered. It is def. no French Vanilla Oatmeal.

.No Friday Five this week… :-(

[Listening to: I Don’t Think So – Olive – Extra Virgin (13:37)]
This is the best substitute I have found so far.

For the guy that is too lazy to jack off…

God bless the Japanese.

The Book Of Fabulous Questions: Questions of Favorites

What are your favorite kind of potato chips? Continue reading

.Ren Faire Commercial

After listening to the Ren Faire commercial, I can safely say that it is one of the worse
commercials that I have ever heard. If I had never been to the Ren Faire, this commercial would not interest me in going at all.



[Listening to: Let Down – Radiohead – OK Computer (04:59

give up fighting it

going to sleep

weekend pictures

[Listening to: Mama – Spice Girls – Spice (05:05
I’m sure Gabi would kill me for posting pictures of her son picking his nose…

.for you

[Listening to: Angel Eyes – Frank Sinatra – The Main Event — Live (08:33)]
You ask for the impossible
You ask me to just give up my love for you
Like I could turn it off with a switch.
Didn’t I get taught that lesson, twice even.
I don’t think that I will ever stop loving you.
And I don’t think that I will even stop being your friend.
I hope you are doing well.
I hope life isn’t being too rough with you.
Maybe you are getting a little lovin.
Or at least a little pie or alot.
I hope you are happy
Wherever you are at.

.work blah

[Listening to: If You Wanna Have Some Fun – Spice Girls – Forever (05:27
Actually, I don’t think that I even want to talk about it….

**sigh** I guess….no, I don’t think that I want to talk about it.

I did get an application for Ross though. OMG, the cleanest Ross that I have been to in a long time. It would be nice to work there; a 5 min walk to work on the weekend and 20% off. I could live with that.

Priceed my “dream computer” out today. Got it to $1200, which is less than the $2000+ if I get it brand name, Still I would like the get the price down a bit more. Since the new AMD chip is
coming out, I think that I will wait for Intel Pentium prices to fall. I am dying to just buy everything and put it together. Still, I need to hold of for a few months.

Some odd reason, I have been thinking about something that Laura (Barbara’s, my roommate, sister) about the wife of someone who was working at the Ren Faire. She had some kind of heart condition (if I remember correctly) and they had to operate on her and she is in a coma. Laura said that she was young. I don’t know, just been thinking about life and everything. I guess between this news and then with John Ritter dying, I just wonder about myself and dying. The depressed side of me questions if I would be missed. However, I know that I have friends and loved ones that would miss me if I died. It’s these ties and bonds that somehow keep me on this plane of
existence; without them I would have left a long time ago. And yet….**sigh** more depressed thoughts that probably don’t need to see the light of day.

What else? Thought about getting the new Dave Matthews album, but will wait until payday next week. And Angie’s B-day is this weekend too. Got to get ready for that.

The web cam is on, for the two of you that want to watch me read. I think that I would be a little more exciting if the camera was streaming. however, the
refresh limit for the software is 10 sec. 😛

Also need to call Dad tomorrow to see how the family on the East Coast is doing. I pray that the damage isn’t too bad.