Daily Archives: September 11, 2003

.Green Screen

web cam is acting wanky again. No show for all of my peeping toms tonight…

[Listening to: Came to Give Love (Outro) – Aaliyah – One in a Million (01:40)]

.Random Stuff

O.K. First, introducing my new Tiger keychain….

[Listening to: Heartbroken – Aaliyah – One in a Million (04:19)]

**- I was too lazy to turn the lights on in my room, so took the picture in the dark. Still, isn’t it cute. Going to replace Mr. Pinkie with this in my car. If I was using Livejournal more, I would def. make an icon out of it.

**- Been sick most of the night thanks to Taco Bell. **sigh** When will I learn that the Taco Bell next to the beach is the only safe Taco Bell to eat at.

**- In Madden news, the Bengalis (me) were handed a humiliating defeat by the Bears (Peter) 61-28. Ouch.
Bengalis suck more than the Texans.

**- Hoping that this will be the last night of sleeplessness that I will have. I am so tired of not sleeping.

**- Have to remember to go pick up applications at Ross and other retail establishments this weekend. **sigh** Also have to remember to smile and think positive has I sell my soul to these places in hopes that they will hire me.

**- Did a Google search on my name and came across this site. Just amazed at the price of my “stock” I would have thought that I would be on the verge of being

**- Going to do some more sketches for a new layout this weekend. I have an idea of what I want to do. However, as always, it comes down to my ability to be able to design the stuff in my head. One thing that I need are feathers. The plumes in my Ren Faire hat are too…floppy. I though about going to the beach and getting seagull feathers, however I think that they might be too stiff. Need something

**- This was also an interesting article. Forbes list of the 15 richest fictional characters

Friday Five for September 12, 2003

1. Is the name you have now the same name that’s on your birth certificate? If not, what’s changed? I assume that this is the same name that is on my birth certificate (for the record, my name is Joseph L. Rogers). I was adopted has a young child and never knew my real parents. I guess the curious thing is with my nickname, which I won’t even post here. I kinda think that it might be my “real” name. However it is not that big of a deal, since my parents are the only ones who call me by that name.

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be? I don’t know what I would change my name too. I remember has a child, that my name sometimes
irked me, esp. when it was “Sloppy Joe” day at school, or if someone stayed home sick and watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I also remember a week period where I tried to get my friends to call me J.R. That did not last long at all.

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?) I assume that I was named after my dad and his dad (They were both Joseph Rogers’ too). Not sure if my dad is a Jr. or not though. I don’t think so. Just the middle names are different.

4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why? At one point, I wanted to have a daughter and name her Vanessa. I know that there are names that irk or bother me, however I can’t think of them right now. Wait…Kiefer. What kind of name is Kiefer?

5. Is the analysis of your name at kabalarians.com accurate? How or how isn’t it? I guess the
is somewhat accurate, however when I punch in my “nickname“, that one is kinda scary accurate.

[Listening to: If Your Girl Only Knew – Aaliyah – One in a Million (04:51)]

.San Francisco Heat Wave

It is HOT in the city, which means that it is in the 80’s here. **sigh** I have SO
acclimated (sp?) to the weather here. It’s not even funny.

Found my keychain last night. Mr. Pinkie claims that he was in my car the whole time, but Mr. P is somewhat of an evil mastermind. It’s in the eyes. Although, last night I saw Roxy sneaking out of my room, and when I went it, I saw my tiger keychain on the bed.

I have the TV. on and am glad that the networks haven’t gone over board on 9/11 today. I was almost fearful that it would be the replaying of 9/11 coverage on all the stations. One of the most glaring memories that I have of that day is of Crackhead Eddie. This
happened in my last semester at SF State and I remember Matt (one of my other roommates) waking me and Eddie up to show us what was being shown on the
TV. I remember Eddie going back to sleep after a minute of watching. And then later that day, he still didn’t know what was going on. **sigh** what an idiot. Still, I’ve been reading some of the flame wars that have sprung up on the net today. Both have their points (and name-calling), however I think that I am going to just stay out of the fighting. Today should not be about finger pointing, but about
remembrance of those who lost their lives on this day.