Decided to “resist the urge” and not walk down to Safeway for some ice cream. Just going to make myself sick again, and by judging by my stomach, I don’t need any ice cream. Also decided to goto the gym before I goto the Golden Gate or to Japantown tomorrow to get some exercise in. Thought about taking a walk tonight, but it is windy and cold here at the coast.
Also just found an ant here in my room, which I am not happy about. I’m hoping that it just caught a ride with me from work. Still, that means I will have to do some major cleaning tomorrow and move the furniture to make sure that it is no a swarm of them hiding in my room.
**sigh** It’s all about “resisting the urge”…resisting the urge for alot of things…
[Listening to: Same Script, Different Cast – Whitney Houston – The Greatest Hits Disc 1 (04:58)]