Daily Archives: July 8, 2003

5 million years in the future…

Isn’t that where the guy from The Time Machine eventually ended up at?

Anyway, the show was pretty interesting. I want to disagree with some of their theories, but I’m not a biologist or an ecoloigist, so I really can’t argue. The creatures were interesting, but there were too many of the same shots, or the shots mirrored for my taste.

Another action packed weekend for myself. Going up to Vacaville to BBQ and to go out to the lake. Will also drop in on April and either go out to lunch, or maybe karaoke…wait, I’m driving everybody up, so karaoke might have to wait until after she gets back from SD. (P.S. April, I need my copy of PS back, just to give you a head start in looking for it.)

Currently going through my teeth whitening process. Using the Rembrant Teeth Whitening system; the mouth guard and gel is somewhat messy, but I am
starting to see a change in my teeth, which is a good thing. Hopefully, it will affect my entire teeth, and not just the tips of them.

[Listening to: Nightingale – Norah Jones – Come Away With Me (04:12)]

Speaking of my own black hole…

Think that with the next paycheck I will have to buy the Diablo II expansion CD. They are beta testing the patch right now, and I really want to get back into playing Diablo. It could be worse, I could get sucked back into Evercrack or buy the new Star Wars Galaxies online game.

O.K. time to rejoin Barbara…
[Listening to: Satin Soul – Barry White – All Time Greatest Hits (04:13)]

Still fighting the black hole that is Big Brother…

So I go out and I guess for this show it will be the contestants and some of the contestants ex boy/girlfriends. Of course the question is “Could you compete/live in a house with your ex?” I think that I could honestly say yes, that having an ex in the house with me would not faze me. O.K. I guess if Suzanne was there, that might faze me a bit. However Kathy and I would be alright in the house together. I can see April and I in some kind of
allegiance getting rid of everybody else until the final couple of people; then we would have to go after each other. It would def. be an experience to have an ex there though…
[Listening to: Satin Soul – Barry White – All Time Greatest Hits (04:13)]

The power of love; escaping a black hole…

After stuffing myself with a huge pasta dinner, was able to watch the season six finale of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer that I missed. OMG, it was so good. I missed Warren being flayed alive, but the rest of the episodes were great, esp. the end with Xander and Willow. **wipes tears away** So good.

I guess Big Brother 4 is on tonight and has Barbara firmly sucked in. The only reason she isn’t watching right now is because she had to goto the store with her niece to get something (she’s back and is 5 feet away from the
TV.) The announcer on the show, Julie Chen, has lost ALOT of weight since she first started hosting the show. Her head now looks huge on her body.

Anyway, I am going to wait until 9pm, and then rejoin Barbara so that we can watch the dinosaur special on Animal Planet.
[Listening to: Satin Soul – Barry White – All Time Greatest Hits (04:13)]

The Book Of Fabulous Questions – Questions of Careers

Would you sleep your way to the top? Continue reading