Daily Archives: May 9, 2003

Facial results….

**sigh** Can’t wait to move so I will have some money so I can have a real social life…
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St. Ives Apricot Scrub

My face is a mess…think it’s time for a facial
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I am a hopeless schumck sometime….

Yes I am

Friday night at home, the usual

webcam is on for those that care…
Well two of my appointments canceled for tomorrow because they have selected roommates. So I’m sending even more good luck vibes for this $650 place.
Going down to the kitchen to get something to eat, I realize that it is a good time for me to take my leave of Mike. The kitchen and downstairs are absolutely filthy. I’m sure that if he doesn’t sleep on the couch again, I will find a pair of his socks on the couch tomorrow. He wasn’t like this when we lived in the towers, or even earlier this year. I try to tell myself that it could be because finals are comming up and he is too busy to clean. But I know it’s not that. I get busy sometimes and I let the dishes sit for a day, but it’s usually because he is sleeping downstairs and I don’t want to wake him up. **sigh**, well I guess we had a good run.
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What a Friday…

A pretty good Friday, I must say. The day started out chaotic, with everybody at the warehouse comming in late and everybody at the store calling us. And we had alot of orders and transfers to do, but my guys are good and we got everything done.
Also checked out a place for $650/month. Actually I think it’s less, but even if it’s a little more that will be cool. Another converted private living room in a 4 bdr place a couple blocks away from City college. The guy seemed to like me and is O.K. with me making payments on the deposit. Still need to take a look at other places tomorrow, but I’m trying to project good vibes.
So a day after I went home sick, I decide to stuff myself with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. **sigh** They were so good, however the sugar high is already leaving me and I am ready to pass out. I still need to do laundry though. Think that I will nap and see what time I get up. If it’s not too late, I do laundry tonight; otherwise I’ll do it in the morning.
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