Daily Archives: January 6, 2003

**cough** Yeah, so I had

Yeah, so I had another Sleepytime tea with some honey and now, an hour later, I’m still not sleepy. I just know that I’m going to be up all night coughing my ass off. Poop, I say.
**sigh** Part of me really wants to just take pictures, but the sensible part of me knows that I look and feel like crap and that it would be a mistake.
Basically, I’m just bored and lonely. And this Deepak Chopra book isn’t helping me get any closer to knowing God.
**cough** reading old emails from Suzanne is def. not helping the mood.
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Joe Millionaire….

OMG, I am so veklempt right now….Talks amongst yourselves. Topic: Just how big of a gold digger is Heidi or just how dumb is “Joe”.
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Still feeling like crap. **sigh**

Still feeling like crap. **sigh** I wish that I could goto Suzanne’s or have her come over here, even though she would get tired of me coughing and stuff. I can be a baby at times when I’m sick. Still I miss her. For some reason, I started thinking about all the different hair style that she had. I love the way that she can change her hair. I mean, the only thing she never had was curls. The only hair style I didn’t particularly like was the pink wig that she had. But, I liked when she would put her hair in two braids, or when she would have it long, or when she dyed it. I’m very much missing her hair along with the rest of her.
Back to the sickness. Mike has convinced me not to take Nyquil, and after the awful dreams I had last night, I think I will listen to his advice. So I took some Sleeytime tea, which is making me sleepy, but then I remembered that Joe Millionaire is on tonight. I know that I am not the only one who is waiting to see this show. I really doubt that he is making $18,000 a year. I mean, I know Suzanne was was making more just by being an apprentice electrician. And I could have sworn they said that he was from California. But oh man, I can’t wait to see some of the gold diggers on this show. And you know there will be some. So, I think that I am going to clean my room a bit and move my bed away from the window. Then I’ll Lysol the whole room out to disinfect it and go downstairs and watch T. V. And hopefully tonight, my body immune system will kick in and get rid of this cold for good.
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I hate being sick and

I hate being sick and at work.
I’m not that sick, but I just can’t get rid of this cough. Wondering if I should go home sick after the manager’s meeting tomorrow. **sigh** I don’t know, as long as I don’t get any sicker.
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Trouble sleeping…

Took some Nyquil early while I was watching Margaret Cho. Had to stop it 2/3 done because Nyquil was kicking in early. Besides I was disappointed with the DVD. Margaret Cho is funny, but the movie was really slow paced; there was this incredible long pause between all of her jokes/monologues.
Anyway, during a twisting, fever induced sleep, I started thinking and realized that while I have forgotten about the security deposit for a new place when I move out. I have no money for a security deposit right now. I mean, I would get back my part of the deposit from here, but that would only be $250 and some of that would be taken out for the marks on the wall when I tried to get my bed upstairs. I should be getting a refund from my taxes; with the amount that they took out, I had better. But it won’t be as much as last year when I was a student and got the $1000 credit.
Anyway, I started freaking out and couldn’t go to sleep. Was thinking about how I would have to live in my car; how I would have to sell my car and in the process, lose Suzanne forever. I lost my job somehow too and for some reason couldn’t claim unemployment. I finally ended up at my parents with just the clothes on my back, dirty and disheveled. Horrible thoughts, but I couldn’t get them out of my head.
So now I’m looking at apartment listings at Craigslist, trying to calm myself down. There are 2 bedroom apartments for $1400 and less, and the security deposits are not that bad. But still, financial wise, this is going to be another tough year for me. Blah. I’m going to have to get that 2nd job sooner or later.
Now, I think that I am going to go and fix some hot tea in hopes that it stops my coughing and puts me to sleep.
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