Daily Archives: November 3, 2002

1 cheese quesaddia 1/4 bag

1 cheese quesaddia
1/4 bag of preztels
1 hour at the gym on various machines
5 cookies
3 bottles of water
Not sure if I am eating any healthier, but at least I am drinking more water than I used to.
Still, next time I goto the supermarket, I need to try to pass up the cookie aisle
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Need to write about after I get back from the gym….

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Blah…. That is the theme

That is the theme of the day folks.
But at least I have come up with some truly devious plans. Mwahahahaha….
So what’s up for this beautiful S.F. day? Think that I will stay inside all day long trying not to feel sorry for myself. But I will fail that miserably. Will wait until dark and then go work out and then come back home to watch The Simpson’s Halloween Special.
Thing that I will also stare at my cell phone in hopes that somebody will call with a job interview for me.
Gawd, I suck. I really need to get over everything….easier said than done.
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6 Blueberry Eggo’s with syurp

6 Blueberry Eggo’s with syurp and butter
1 bottle of water
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