Totally unexciting day today. After getting my ass out of bed, I washed up and headed to the library for an hour or so. Got 7 books total:
- Wild Seed – Written by the same author has Parable of the Sower; that Cobene-the-Bastard-ish book that I checked out last time.
- Blood Roses – Written by the same author has A Feast In The Night; book about the Vampire Saint-Germain
- Only In London – From one of the most highly regarded contemporary Arab writers, a wonderfully comic and touching novel about four people seeking love and liberty in London’s burgeoning Arab community.
- Brief Interviews With Hideous Men – …twenty-two stories that intertwine hilarity with an escalating disquiet to create almost unbearable tensions.
- Empire – …the new political order of globalization should be seen in line with our historical understanding of Empire as a universal order that accepts no boundaries or limits. A thoroughly boring historical/political book that I should love.
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – I didn’t realize that the Harry Potter series was going to be seven parts; I had thought that it was going to only be five. I was surprise to find 2 copies of this book in the adult fiction section; I had been looking in the children’s section all of this time.
- Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Bible – I know that I suck cause I use FrontPage and not notepad.
So Mike has decided that we need women in our lives and that we are going to Borders tomorrow to meet them. Personally, I am still waiting for us to somehow get back together stage, even though everybody else tends to think that it is a lost cause. Well, they can say “I told you so” when I am do waiting. Until then, I just stand here with my eyes closed, keeping the memories fresh and alive.
Still, I will head out with Mike. If nothing else, I can read computer magazines and see if the new Star Wars novel is out yet. Maybe I’ll grab an application for Borders too.
O.K. Time for my daily desert of cereal, and then I think I will get started on the Harry Potter book….
Current mood: content
Current music: Whitney Houston – My Love Is Your Love (Jonathan Peters Mix)