Daily Archives: October 20, 2000

No lovin tonight….it’s all about

No lovin tonight….it’s all about self-hate and self-loathing…
Well, I’m not totally depressed yet. But the fog is moving in…
Hmmm…what to do to get some feeling back into my body. Sex won’t do it. I don’t think that I’m at the point where I want to cut myself. Burning…hmmm, naw, that’ll blister. Maybe I just need some food and a long shower and/or a bath. Then I can clean the kitchen and recenter myself…
blah, blah, blah.
Current mood: blah
Current music: Cowboy Bebop – Music For Freelance

P.S. I see you Current

P.S. I see you
Current mood:
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I guess you are mad

I guess you are mad at me. 😛
I love you too. See you Sat
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